Hikikomori, a terrible social worldwide phenomenon!

by Rodrigo Rezende, 05/22/2023

Last Sunday, I participated in an international virtual meeting of Person-Centered Approach psychotherapists. A Japanese, a Russian, a British, an American, three Mexicans, I think three Argentineans and two Brazilians, including me, participated.

I asked the Japanese psychotherapist named Kazuo why the Hikikomori phenomenon in Japan is so significant. He replied that there is no consensus among experts on the reason, but in his assessment of his practice, it is because emotional exchange between mother and child has not been going well in current Japanese society. However, he does not blame the mothers, because he is always impressed by mother’s efforts doing the best way to improve the family life. He tries to support these mothers.

He said that with modernization and changing child parenting way in Japan, it has reduced time spent and the physical contact, skin-to-skin, of the mothers with their babies. The lesser contact generated more insecurity in the children. And so, when the children are starting school life, they get very scared and often have psychosomatic symptoms such as: stomachache, headache, diarrhea, and others which cause them to miss classes. In this way, a pattern is established until adolescence and adult life.

I add, consequently these children become introspective adults trapped in the digital world who do not leave their rooms, have no social life, and do not work. This phenomenon, called by the Japanese word of Hikikomori, occurs in many countries and it is terrible and worrying.

Many thanks Kazuo for supporting and even writing some of this text, you are like a coauthor!

Tradução para o Português:
Hikikomori, um fenomeno mundial terrível e social
No último domingo, participei de um encontro virtual internacional de psicoterapeutas da Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa. Participaram um japonês, uma russa, um britânico, uma americana, três mexicanos, acho que três argentinos e dois brasileiros, inclusive eu.
Perguntei ao psicoterapeuta japonês chamado Kazuo por que o fenômeno Hikikomori no Japão é tão significativo. Ele respondeu que não há consenso entre os especialistas sobre o motivo, mas em sua avaliação de sua prática, é porque a troca emocional entre mãe e filho não está indo bem na sociedade japonesa atual. No entanto, ele não culpa as mães, pois sempre se impressiona com o esforço das mães em fazer o melhor para melhorar a vida familiar. Ele tenta apoiar essas mães.
Ele disse que com a modernização e mudança na forma de cuidar dos filhos no Japão, reduziu o tempo gasto e o contato físico, pele a pele, das mães com seus bebês. O menor contato gerou mais insegurança nas crianças. Assim, quando as crianças estão iniciando a vida escolar, elas ficam muito assustadas e muitas vezes apresentam sintomas psicossomáticos como: dor de estômago, dor de cabeça, diarréia e outros que os levam a faltar às aulas. Dessa forma, estabelece-se um padrão até a adolescência e a vida adulta.
Acrescento, consequentemente essas crianças se tornam adultos introspectivos presos no mundo digital que não saem de seus quartos, não têm vida social e não trabalham. Esse fenômeno, chamado pela palavra japonesa de Hikikomori, ocorre em muitos países e é terrível e preocupante.
Muito obrigado Kazuo por apoiar e até escrever parte deste texto, você é como um coautor!

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6 respostas

  1. I was thinking about it when I was travelling in Japan and met up with a PC therapist there.

    There is this duality about human nature – on one hand -substantialism/independence/individualism and on the other hand community/others focused/interconnectedness.

    I think humans are both are the same time. Any focus on one particular side only, may lead to incongruence of who we are , causing distress.

    While we see there are a lot of individualism in the western culture, i think japan is on the opposite end of the spectrum, where collectivism is always valued more than the individual.

    I thought this may led to a fear of being oneself in a community, as the condition of worth of considering others first is so strong. And I think when one grow up to believe that they doesn’t fit in to this collectivism, the fear of rejection is strong…so strong that one may choose to alienate from others..

    I’m not sure either.. just my thoughts about this phenomenon. I love the japanese, as i felt really respected and treated well by the Japanese when I was there…at the same time, i thought maybe people are in distress when they are in a culture where expressing and being oneself is less valued than following norms/collectivism.

  2. Eso se ve en toda sociedad moderna, donde el padre, la madre se insertan en el mundo laboral, relegando a los hijos con distancia emocional en manos de otros para sus crianza. El niño que se percibe no amado atravesar mucho estrés para vivir y asumir su vida

  3. This is un phenomenon which is not a characteristic of Japan. I believe each modern society faces it, because many parents have not enough time to spend with children and provide them modern IT devices. So children a much more accustomed to the devices and virtual reality, but not real connection and interaction with people around where, on the contrary, they feel anxiety and insecurity. So the role of real interaction with children becomes crucical to prevent the phenomenon.

  4. Es muy triste ver el hambre de contacto que tienen nuestros jóvenes en esta época. Constantemente atiendo a personas que tienen muy baja autoestima, y pareciera que no tienen asidero para sostenerse. Ciertamente puede vernir de parte de los padres con sus distintas ausencias, sin embargo como sociedad ¿cómo los acogemos? ¿cuál es nuestra responsabilidad?

  5. Coincido en que este fenómeno no se da únicamente en la sociedad japonesa. El contacto del bebe, del infante con sus padres es vital tanto en lo físico (piel con piel), como en lo emocional. Necesitan tiempo de juego, de plática, para tomar los alimentos juntos, convivencia con los padres. Tristemente, por lo menos en la sociedad mexicana, hacemos muy poco por apoyar a las parejas que tienen hijos pequeños o las madres o padres solteros. En algunos centros de trabajo (incluyendo universidades) ya hay espacios para que las mujeres amamanten a sus hijos, sin embargo no cuentan con guarderías para estar más cerca de ellos. Es alto el índice de madres que tienen que trabajar y no cuentan con un lugar seguro para dejar a sus hijos. Los pequeños, con frecuencia se quedan solos, al cuidado de los hermanos mayores. Esta falta de cuidados maternos-paternos traen graves consecuencias de inseguridad, miedo, enojo, resentimiento, soledad, depresión a corta edad. La mayoría de las enfermedades tienen su origen en los problemas emocionales. Además de los riesgos físicos (desnutrición, accidentes, pleitos, etc). Las adicciones es otro fenómeno que se está prestando en etapas tempranas, a causa de esa misma soledad, abandono, inseguridad.

  6. bonjour, c’est le cas aussi dans les grandes villes de mon pays Madagascar. La mere se donne a fond au travail, et il lui reste peu d’energie pour s’occuper pleinement de la famille. Les parents ont tendance a tout offrir aux enfants, tout ce qui est materiel, d’ailleurs c’est pourquoi la mere travaille. tout offrir aux enfants, sauf sauf, sauf du temps pour rester avec eux, pour les ecouter, les comprendre, echanger, partager avec eux. Les enfants deviennent de grands amis , consommateurs d’ecran! l’ecran ne peut jamais remplacer la mere, ni le pere, ni le frere , ni la soeur, aucun etre humain. l’ecran est son ami . Tragique!!! l’ecran coupe toute relation humaine, coupe toute communication entre personnes humaines. ce qui fait que le monde devient de moins en moins humain. Les parents d’aujourd’hui oublient d’aider reellement leurs enfants a devenir humain. les parents ne reussissent plus a ecouter vraiment leurs enfants, et par la suite les vrais besoins de l’enfant.

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